Monday, May 2, 2011

Sometimes Life Is Serious

I usually like to keep it pretty light around here. You can feel free to turn to the news on the TV or the radio or simply look about you while you wander through the world to see all sorts of negativity and pain. I try my best to offer a little respite from that world on this blog.

But sometimes, life is serious. My life right now is amazing. Work is going well. I am deeply in love with my wife. I get to enjoy the company of more and better friends than I have ever known. Indeed, life is blessed and good, but it is serious right now.

I am amazed by the people I run into who make mention of this blog. I tend to think only my mom my wife and I read it. Thank you to those who come here looking for a funny story or just to keep up.

I will be back soon. Bear with me. Right now, life is serious-seriously good. I hope for you it is seriously good, too.

1 comment:

  1. eh, I'd give it a so-so. If only someone else would do the dishes, then maybe life would be seriously better. Or find a better cook.

    I'm just kidding. Life is grand. ;)

    And I am one of many who read your blog. I'm just one of few who comments freely and often.
