Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Friday Miscellany

Small differences. People will chalk a lot of their lives to small differences. It's as if to say small differences don't add up to much. Take the following phrase.

"Calling boss for our meeting."

It is a sentence fragment, but look beyond that. It is simple and cannot be misinterpreted by most people. In fact, it is exactly a text I sent to someone today at work. Let's apply a small difference.

"Calling boss four hour meeting."

Small difference, right?

I wrote myself a note this week so I wouldn't forget, because I liked the sentiment:

"I don't bother keeping score- If I did I might find out I am losing." This is a good thing to keep in mind on the occasion that you feel you are doing more around the house than your spouse.

Whose turn is it to do the dishes? Well, if there are dishes and you've got a minute, it better be your turn. Besides what the hell is this, college?

It also lends itself to being a good country song. I don't like country music, but whenever I "write" a song in my head it comes out country. That's like when I dream in Spanish. What the hell?

Big Shiny Car... is another song I "wrote" in my head while cleaning up Ruby. It also came out country. This is weird. Why, when I listen to every type of music but country do I think in country songs?

Maybe it's easier to write country songs. Maybe that's why there are so many country stations.

Donuts! I got Donuts! Today is National Donut Day. As I said on my Facebook status:

Walk into a donut shop and take your clothes off and shout "Look what you did to me!" and then order a custard filled long-john with butterscotch filling.

I guess I was channeling George Carlin when I thought of that one. Thanks, Mr. Carlin. I hope you enjoyed your stay. come back any time.

1 comment:

  1. The first speaker loves Krispy Kremes, so I may have had one. In honor of National Donut Day of course.
