Friday, May 27, 2011

Long Weekends, Long Ago

It is a gorgeous day here in the west half of Michigan and it promises to be a mostly gorgeous weekend. I am looking forward to having Heather come for the weekend as has become our tradition. It is low key, but I always look forward to it. She tells us how to keep our landscaping, (because she's a brilliant gardener), and we ply her full of food and beer and big city livin' that she doesn't get too much of in her little town.

I am always amazed that people would want to come spend time with us for no reason. I mean, if there was an event we were going to, or if we were geographically convenient to something they needed to access, I could see it. But it's a pretty big compliment for someone to come just to come and stay.

We dropped for a long weekend (or a short week, whichever you want to call it) on the Milinovichs last year. Just to do it. Because we like them. We did the same last weekend with the Canadys; and we found out we like them, too.

It's a nice tradition, one I think doesn't happen as often anymore as it used to. I remember growing up, the Friars and Beckers would be out for a walk and just stop by. It was always a joy. My parents would do the same in return I'm sure, but since I wouldn't have been caught dead taking a walk with my parents, I'll have to infer.

Think about it now. How many people would you be happy to see if they just popped in? We are a different society now than we were then. I have said it before in these pages that our neighborhood, happily, seems to be caught in a bygone time where visiting is acceptable. Maybe even expected.

This long weekend of great potential, I encourage you to stop on by a friend's house. Just for a few minutes, just to say hi. Maybe that friend's house will be our house. And you will be welcomed as a joy. Just be prepared to stay awhile and have something to eat.

1 comment:

  1. and by that you mean that your lovely wife will fix you something which means, crap! I better be prepared...
