Monday, July 18, 2011

Monday Morning Miscellani

There is not a time in life where people will not cause you to have to wait for them. Regardless of your station, wealth or otherwise, someone will always be in a position to make you wait.

I hate waiting. If I had to wait 24 hours in line for a guaranteed million bucks in cash, I would pass. No, my time is not worth that much money. I just hate waiting.

I got so many things I want to write about but can't on the grounds they either betray a trust or will be read by the people they are about. I am cursed by the very thing I wanted all along; an audience.

I always wondered what it was like for a stand-up to lampoon his family if his family was in the audience. There was a case a few years back where a mother-in-law sued her daughter-in-law, a comedienne, for being mean.

Most of the things I would write you would recognize as hyperbole. Hopefully, you would also realize that I was intentionally over blowing that balloon in order to create a "pop". But, sometimes if it hits a little too close to home, that pop hurts.

Now, well into my 30's, I have started to care. Curses. I am getting soft.

This promises to be a busy week. Today meetings and appointments then dinner with friends. Tomorrow work and then Harry Potter with friends. Wednesday I am giving a presentation at my networking group. I can't wait. I have been working on it for awhile. It will get some good laughs.

I pause here a moment... it is more important to me the presentation gets good laughs than it is to say, get me more business. What does that tell you? Hmmmmmm.

Back to it. After the Wednesday morning presentation is an afternoon baseball game/networking event. I hate baseball and I don't much care for networking.

I pause here a moment... aren't I a saleman? And I don't like networking? What should that tell me? Hmmmmmmmm.

Actually, I think it will be fun and there are a lot of people I need to know who are going to be there. So, I go into this with open eyes, open ears, an outstretched hand and the biggest phony smile you have ever seen!

Thursday and Friday are as yet unwritten, but if recent history is any indication they will end up being my busiest days. Then Em leaves for her work camp. I'll be a bachelor.

I have been eschewing responsibility for the sake of having fun, lately. It has been wonderful, but the house ain't gonna keep itself standing upright if I neglect it. So, while Em is gone, I was thinking about slipping the keys to the 'Vette and my credit and debit card into her purse so I couldn't do any damage while she is gone. Then I would have to focus on things around the house.

My parents are so responsible and so fastidious and all I wanna do is blow stuff off and go party. Where did that come from?

Thank God we don't have kids, we'd be in the papers.

Dinner with "new" friends tonight. Not new friends, actually, but friends we haven't really seen socially outside of our big group. Can't wait. New friends at a new restaurant with a 1/2 off coupon! It tickles all the ribs at once.

Potter Potter everywhere- Goodbye, Harry and friends. You had me at Hagrid and never let go. I shall miss you, like so many others. But the good news is, we are going to see you on Imax in 3D with children! I loved Christmas as a kid. Getting presents was almost more than I could take. But, I realize as an adult, the real fun is watching the kids have fun. Tomorrow at Potter will be like watching kids at Christmas.

That's all, folks!

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