Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Big Post

I have been working on a presentation for my networking group for a month or so now. It hasn't consumed my time by any means, but these are all entrepreneurial people who are all pretty sharp, so I knew my normal 'go in and wing it' strategy wouldn't cut it.

So, I had the obligatory power point, but it was just general. I wanted to get the point across that more than anything else, if these folks sent business my way, or gave me their business, they would be satisfied.

It was peppered with humor like almost everything I do. I think the reaction was good and I hope I made the impression that I intended to make. It was a good beginning to a long day and a nice palate cleanser to a pretty rough night.

I was really rattled by something and had to work extra hard to keep it together for the presentation, (which by the way has the potential to lead to some considerable lucre).

We begin Tuesday night-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, aside from having perhaps the worst title of any movie, ever, was amazingly good. It was a fitting finish to a movie series that got steadily better with age, much like the books upon which they were based. We saw it in IMAX in 3D. I can go without the 3D part, honestly. I don't know how to watch a 3D movie... my eyes don't know where to go.

There was one part where Chandra and I admitted we couldn't watch because of motion sickness. She is 8 months pregnant. I have no excuse. Overall though, the performances, story telling, and everything were top notch. What an amazing mind Ms. Rolling has. My hat off to you, Madam. I am in awe as are millions of others in all languages. You created and archetype and we love you for it.

It was after the movie when I got a rebuke from someone about yesterday's blog that I can't get past. And I have tried to get past it. The more I try, the less I am able to. I am miffed beyond belief. It lead to me redacting a portion of my post yesterday at the request of a certain individual on the grounds they disagreed with me and didn't like what they read.

I was compelled to remove that section, because I was also made to feel that something very dear to me would be taken away if I did not comply.

Well, friends and dear readers, my own mother, who is 69 years old, raised in the old south, strictly Catholic and very traditional has never even daned to ask me to remove or reword a blog post. And I know for a fact that some of the things I have written have made her die a little inside. But she has supported me for who I am, as has my ever loving wife and my true friends.

For the sake of respect, I shall not go into detail about a private matter in a public forum such as this. I have said too much already. I will, however reestablish the rules of this blog, which are mine to make and edit and follow or break since this space is mine and mine alone. I have no sponsors, I make no money and I have no one to please and no particular audience in mind when I write what I write. Often I write what I write without knowing what I write until it comes out of my head and on to the page in front of me. In short, believe it or not, I am often as surprised as you at what I learn about myself in the process.

The Rules

I am glad you are here, but I want to remind you with all genuine enthusiasm that there is a little X on the upper right of your screen, (windows users) and a little red dot on the upper left, (for those of you with a positively skewed world view and the discretionary income for a Mac). That is the "get me outta here" button. And if at any time you don't like what you see, hit the button. Nothing bad will happen. My feelings will not be hurt and you don't ever have to come back.

If you are reading something here you don't understand, I encourage you to look it up. If you want brain cheese and are looking for some sort of bumper sticker wisdom from a happy-go-lucky fat fun guy like you have seen in every John Hughes movie, you may not get it. Sometimes I am serious, but even when I am funny, I am always honest. If you don't like it, hit the button.

If you read something you don't like- whether it is my premise, or my opinion, the way I say it or the words I use to describe it, I encourage you to use the button.

If you are too young or immature or too old fashioned or too anything to enjoy or identify with what you are reading here, (and I believe thoroughly you are the best judge of that), button.

It's really simple... really! There are many facets to people. I don't know why I have found it therapeutic to put my inner-most self out here for anyone to read. It is antithetical, really. It is a really horrible thought and if I spend a lot of time thinking about it, it makes me gag a little that my life is sort of out there.

But, it keeps me honest. Because otherwise, it is too easy for me to fake my way through each interaction in my life. And for a long time I lived exactly that way. Each situation carefully crafted and managed for benefit of never having to reveal a me that I couldn't live with.

And I had no faith, did not make a place for God in my life, wasn't a good husband a good friend or the person that I or God (as I understand it now), wanted me to be. So, by putting myself "all in" for anyone to see, I am forced to be authentic. That includes all I am... including the parts that may be other people would choose to hide.

Thank you for reading. If I know you personally, thank you for investing your time in me as a person; a person who may fail you sometimes, but will never stop trying. Thank you for your friendship, support, love and comments positive or otherwise. Thank you for agreeing, or disagreeing and challenging me or supporting me.

However, if you come here expecting to be able to witness the carnage of a train wreck, or come here to judge me, then hit the button. I need this space. I need these words. I need this expression. I don't need you to add to my already considerable level of insecurity. Your participation is not now, nor has it ever been perfunctory. Enjoy your life. Leave mine alone.

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