Despite our best carnival barker efforts and a pretty good batch of chili, we did not win the chili cook-off. We had lots of compliments and many people gave us their full votes (there were five to give for each person, additional votes could be purchased), including the pastor who said quietly "I gave you three out of five of my tickets. I'd like your recipe."
But, when it comes down to it, I didn't have a committee I was representing, I was just representing the youth. Kids don't have any money. And so, unlike 'Social Concerns' and 'Missions', I didn't have a broad constituency putting in tons of votes for me just because they were rooting for their committee. I had all the chili there, and mine was the best.
Still, we made a little more than $70.00 for the youth scholarship program which for a micro-fund raiser like this isn't too bad. Sure, $10.00 of that was mine, but why split hairs? I will do it again next year and I am confident in my chances since it was a quick decision to enter this year. I shall make some chili again for the forthcoming Superbowl party that thanks to our friends, we don't have to host!
This is Sirius Stuff
For Christmas, I received a Sirius radio for my car. I installed it yesterday. I found the location I wanted it where it wouldn't be in the way or too far out of the way. It is easy to reach with my fingers while holding on to the shift lever. Also I can see it easily without taking my eyes off the road.

The install kit was comprehensive and everything was straightforward. Until I got my factory radio out of the dash. I know my radio has an Auxiliary port, so I figured pulling it out using the correct removal tool and plugging this thing in would be a snap.
Pulling out the radio was fine, but there is no direct way to plug in the Sirius receiver without paying a lot of money for an aftermarket install kit that allows you to plug in everything, including the kitchen sink into your radio. I don't want that. I don't plan on keeping the car forever more, I've already had it forever. Or more.
So, since it is a Grandma car and has a radio with cassette and CD, I am using the janky fake cassette thing we all used to use when we had our portable CD players balanced precariously on our thighs while trying to drive. All the work of running the wires and pulling off trim pieces to hid wires and thoughtful placement so this thing didn't look terrible, and now there's this big-ass wire hanging down the front of my dash. Bother. Update, I wrapped it up so it's not so bad, but still, not ideal.
The hardest part of the install was the activation. I try very hard to set up all my services online, mostly due to my chilling hatred of any kind of interaction with people when it's not completely necessary, but for some reason, Sirius didn't like my credit card number. I checked and double-checked and triple checked, but it would not take it online.
So I was forced to speak with "John" from customer care. I was unaware that John was such a popular name in Swaziland or wherever he is from. It ain't Madison Wisconsin, that's for sure. Anyway, I walked him through the process since it seemed to be his first day on the job and aside from entering in my payment I had already gone through this all before. John was very upset I did not buy the lifetime subscription for $499.00 in 4 easy payments. I am smart enough to know the subscription stays with the radio and not with the person, so I did not take him up on that. He was further dismayed I did not take him up on his benevolent offer of paying for one year... "It's like getting a month for free!" I pointed out to him that paying quarterly was the same and I would like to do that. He wasn't so sure I had made up my mind, but after a tense moment he understood it would be best to give me what I want and dispense with the salesmanship. Typical customer service, they are basically only trained to take your money. Everything else is a mystery to them.
In the short interactions the service I have had so far, I like it. The sound would be better if it were wired into the radio properly, but it will have to do for now. I like the coffee house station, which ironically played a string of songs that are on my personal favorites list. I say ironic because I in fact own all the songs. But, I know I will eventually hear new things, especially world music and hip hop which I do not have a lot of in my collection, and not having to lug around CDs is very appealing since I am on the road a lot and sometimes on short notice.
I'll get more impressions this week as I will be in the car. A lot. I wish there was a Bowie station... I would love to listen to Ziggy Stardust stem to stern and enjoy the fact that it was being beamed to me from space. Delicious.
really? There's not a bowie station...?