Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Thank You to My Teachers

My lands but haven't I been a busy beaver! I sit at my desk, head spinning, (actually spinning!), after crunching numbers and building spreadsheets and doing all sorts of comparative analysisesiss for a project I am working on. They don't give you much time to pull all this stuff together. They also don't give you a lot of information, either.

Interesting equation, that. Not much info + Not much time = X. In this case, X surely can't be an accurate and well-reasoned result. Except that it indeed, X is where the answer is and it is my X on the line if X isn't pretty much "the spot". As in X marks the... Am I being clear?

I can see smile on the face of the long suffering Mr. Hanson, my middle school math teacher as I lay all this out. Bill Uebbing and a spreadsheet that is fully 15 pages, cross-referenced, self-checking and all sorts of other things. The mathematically inept Bill Uebbing who had to be painfully guided through each and every principal of numbers no matter how basic.

I had really good teachers. Mr. Hanson was as patient and kind as they came. While I went on to learn statistics and chemistry in my later education, I owe it all to Mr. Hanson of the ALPS program at Crestwood Middle School who taught me that no matter what, I could not give up.

I am no genius, but today, I am also no dummy.

I reminisced a little about my educators this morning during a conversation I had. I realized, (as I have realized countless times before), that I had wonderful educators all throughout my school years. I remember fondly all my elementary teachers and their nurturing. I remember the great, inspiring college professors who forged my compulsory involvement in class into a love of learning. And I think of all those good and patient teachers in the puberty years.

God bless you all, especially. There is a special teachers' lounge in heaven for you, filled with bottomless coffee and all the tater tots you could ever want.

I don't really have a point other than to say in a public way, I thank all my teachers for never giving up or labeling me as stupid or not worth your time, even when I was both of those things. And if you did label me as stupid or not worth your time, thank you for having the courtesy to never let me in on the secret.

Have you thanked a teacher today? Why not?

Next in my series of unappreciated professionals, The Janitor... No, he's not leering at you because he wants to kidnap you and wear your skin, it's because you're a slob and he has to clean up after you!

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