Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday Moring Miscellani

Black Marks

I managed to stay away from the computer yesterday, September 11th, 2011. I had a lot running through my mind, especially in the morning and I thought I would give it awhile to maturate a little before committing anything to the blog.

Then, church, breakfast, football, youth group and a race later on the DVR and before I knew it it was past bed time. So, no touching tribute or moving thoughts on September 11th from my blog and me.

Which I think, is fine. People much more talented and intelligent than me have weighed in ad nauseum and I don't wish to pile on. Needless to say it was an emotional day filled with though and introspection and not a few moments of misty eyes.

All of this was punctuated quite effectively by sports! God bless sports! Now, well into my 30's I can see why men and women really get into sports. It is so much better than focusing on the hand basket the world is riding straight to hell.

The politicians are going to ruin the place anyway, why not enjoy the ride blissfully drowning in beer and peanuts with our elbows sticking to a mysterious goo at the bar watching sports? The Tigers are in first place and on a tear and the Lions don't suck. These are headlines!

Mama, I'm Coming Home

We call it Homecoming... the first Sunday after "Summer", the vacation, (not Summer, the season), is officially over. Labor Day is the marker we use as the official end to the unofficial end of summer. Not at all confusing.

The kids are back in school, church resumes it normal schedule and classes and education begin again. This means Youth Group has begun anew. Lots of fresh faces and lots of returning faces all still sporting healthy brown tans and shorts and flip-flops.

Too soon, we will all be pasty-faced, baggy-eyed, dough boys and girls in so many layers of clothes it will be well nigh impossible to tell the two apart.

Youth group and football combine to make the death of summer, (that season Hallmark calls Autumn to mask its true purpose to reign cold death upon us), bearable. We had a great time and played games and ate nachos and shared stories of summer trips and travails.

Welcome back, FUMC youth! Here's to a great new year!

Travelin' Man

I am traveling more again. Nothing more to say about that. It beats working for a living.

And Finally

I have opened a Twitter account. I so far haven't had anything worth Tweeting, but it is there in case you are interested. My handle is @Bald_ego.... get it? Come check it out when you get a minute. If you are on Twitter, I would be interested in following you, as well. Let's get together, eh?

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