Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Where Have You Gone On Demand Mojo?

Hello, I'm Bill's Writing Mojo. Bill wanted me to offer an explanation to you why his blog posts have been sparse and for the most part sullen as of late. Fact is, I am on vacation. Yes, that's right, even Mojo needs to be rejuvenated once in awhile. Can't inspiration enjoy a week at Sandals? I mean, it's all inclusive! How could I resist?

Back in Michigan, where Bill is, it's freaking cold! It was 60 degrees, now it's 20 degrees and, gulp, snowing! Nuts to that. Some of the other mojos and I needed a little time away, so I'm here with Sex Drive, Id and Work Ethic and we are having a blast! Last night was a luau complete with pig on a spit and the whole walking on coals thing... Nothing like fat Polynesian men and supple, curvy Polynesian women to help you appreciate the whole yin and yang of life. And the drums! Outstanding. They speak right to the core, urging, pushing, dancing in you like a party filled with uninvited guests... You're not sure how they got in, but you're sure glad they're here!

Sex Drive and Id have been hitting the bar pretty hard, indulging their secret desires to drink girl drinks. "All he ever feeds us is bourbon and scotch", they complain. Hell, it was good enough for Fitzgerald and Hemingway, it's good enough for me. I am after all Writing Mojo. Let those party animals go indulge... I like a more hardscrabble existence. Work Ethic is sitting in the corner nursing a Corona and looking very nervous... his leg is shaking and he keeps looking at his watch. Poor guy, sometimes he has a hard time letting loose. Maybe some shuffleboard at the senior center would have been more his speed. That dude needs to lighten up! Of course I have to share a room with him. Up at 5 every morning, fretting over every little thing. He shaves like 3 times a day. Who wears a suit to the pool? Even when he's on the beach he is working. Id and Sex Drive wanted to go boogie boarding and Work Ethic just wanted to build a sand castle. Before we knew it he was on his cell interviewing general contractors and putting the financing in order!

I admit, he got a great rate, but man, does he ever stop? And I guess parquet floors in a sand castle is pretty impressive, but you know what else is nice? Chillin'. My personal favorite is watching other people and musing about the conversations they are having. Like writing the dialogue to a live action play that is happening all around me. I guess maybe I find it a little hard to take some time off, too.

Anyway, back to the original reason I am dropping this line. Bill was really concerned that his readers (that plural is still a huge assumption) would wonder what's going on and be concerned that he was all out of ideas. Far from the truth! I, his Writing Mojo just need a little R&R, you know, some time off to relax a spell. I'll be back in town before anyone knows it! After this vacation, you won't be able to shut me up! I've already got so many good ideas that Bill won't know what hit him when I come back. Of course, I think Sex drive has some ideas of his own, so we'll have to duke it out to see which one of us is going to get priority. Who am I kidding, I haven't won that one, yet!

Well, I have to sign off. Work Ethic is missing. The last time they saw him he had broken in to the business center at the resort and was re-filing things the 'right' way and Id and Sex Drive just got busted for trying to organize co-ed topless limbo down on the promenade. Apparently they had video cameras set up at 6 angles! If we don't get arrested look for us to be back soon! I can't wait to show you the pictures!


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