Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Morning Constitutional and the Patient's Bill of Rights

The morning report:

This morning, either my scale is wrong, or it is in an exceptionally good mood. I hope it is the ladder since I have actually been able to sustain this little health kick for longer than any previous attempt. Yes I finally managed to be able to quit and stay quit smoking, but exercise has been elusive to me.

See, I am sore a lot. My whole life I remember being sore. I used to tell my Mom and she would pass it off as growing pains. As an adult, I knew I was in more pain than most people. So, I went to the doctor who told me I was fat and lazy. Since then, I have been too embarrassed to bring it back up.

So, now we walk about 2.5 miles a day when we can. We've been good about making our walk dates, even getting up at the ass crack of dawn if our normal evening time can't be made. I have 5 more pounds to go to hit my goal before I see the doc in November. If so, I will be almost 25 pounds down from the year before.

And when I go in there, I am going to tell him I want off my cholesterol meds, I want to decrease my blood pressure meds, oh, and by the way, I'm not fat and lazy anymore so get off your degree and find out what is wrong with me!

I'm not bitter. But it does point out a very important thing about me you should know. I'll go an awfully long way to make myself right. So, if you challenge me, be prepared for action!

And now, the lighter side:

This serialized novel which I started on a mere whim is killing me. I am taken aback by the number of people who are in to it... and well, that's a problem. I am what is known as a people pleaser. I have a tendency to over think things in an attempt to keep the peace. Sometimes it comes across as passive-aggressive, sometimes it comes off as martyrdom. For me, it means not wanting to disappoint anyone which creates a fear of failure.

So now what? Well, be patient, that's what. I'm chewing on some things in the back of my head. Working on some plot points and trying to resolve the whole thing. I don't even know what is going to happen!

Then again, it started completely out of the firmament, maybe it needs to stay there... me grabbing some nebulous thoughts out of the cobwebbed corners of my brain and putting them down. Good or bad, right or wrong.

One thing to remember is there is not formal editing or anything so I am afraid of contradictions and repeats and things. This is why I am choosing to proceed more slowly.

Thanks for the encouragement and excitement that many of you have expressed. I hope you find it worth your time to keep reading!



  1. you have never been good at spelling. It's not "ladder" it's latter... ;)

  2. You can't edit my genious (misspelling intentional)!
