Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Miscellani

A Slow Boat From China

Our new iPad is on a slow boat from China. I hate like hell that all this American innovation is made in China, but such is such. I wish we could learn (re-learn) how to make the goods here that we are so good at creating and innovating. Talk about solving a lot of problems. I know prices would be high but people would be working.

Blow Gabriel, Blow

Glad to know our Jersey peeps were by-and-large left without too much damage from Irene. Irene is a good name for a Hurricane. I think other good names would be Matilda, Lorraine, Gertrude, Florence... you know, all good old fashioned lady names. they remind me of the old ladies that used to piss and moan about me riding across their lawn to deliver their newspapers and then not tip me at Christmas. Old ladies filled with sound and fury, signifying nothing.

What happens when they stop using classical names for hurricanes to get with the times? Can you imagine a hurricane Trevor, Cody, Skylar, Dylan, Trey or Shaquanda?

Me either.

Hurricane Trevor... what, it would only target Ralph Lauren outlets? Hurricane Cody would leave behind unspeakable damage at every BMW dealership up and down the east coast.
I wrote a joke about Hurricane Shaquanda, but the ACLU airdropped Al Sharpton through my window to yell at me for being insensitive and made me buy his DVD entitled "There is nothing funny about anything."

Cruisin' on a Saturday Afternoon

Saturday we popped in my Sam and Dave cassette and cruised up and down 28th street seeing and being seen. It was great. Perfect weather, fun cars, lots of smiles. Tons of cops. Holy cow. I somehow don't think that was what cruising was like "back in the day", but it is all we have. And it was a great deal of fun. I suppose I will keep the Corvette just to do that once a year.

See You In September

Many of "My" kids are headed back to school this week, or going for the first time. This is a huge moment in their lives. I remember being so petrified. These kids are either much more confident than I was or they are brilliant actors. Some of them are pretty good actors, but I think they are just better prepared for this than I was.

Someone said at church Sunday to one girl, "Don't do anything you'll regret in 10 years." To which I quipped, "10 years is an eternity away, don't do anything you'll regret tomorrow morning."

Pearls of wisdom from one who had to sit on a lot of grains of sand in his day.

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