Thursday, November 3, 2011


Falling down is hard, falling back is awesome. I am no great fan of the time change. The sun comes up and goes down. Our manipulation of the clock is simply mans' micromanaging things well beyond his control. It is an antique of a bygone era and should be stopped immediately.

Not immediately. After this Saturday. I love to fall back. I celebrate falling back. I would like to have one more hoorah before sending the whole mess into obscurity, forever.

Falling back is the best kind of falling next to falling in love and I would even say its better because falling in love is messy, sometimes. Not so with falling back. Falling back is always awesome. For everyone.

Early to bed, early to rise? You get an extra hour of sleep.
Workaholic? You get an extra hour to work.
Bon Vivant? That's one more hour 'til last call my bumbling booze filled friend.

Emily and I shall celebrate with a bottle of spirits and some good movies. I believe a crackling fire is in order to set off the mood nicely. I see blankets with cats upon them and stocking feet sticking out the end to feel the warmth of the fire.

It is a rapturous thing, this extra hour. Like a bank error in my favor leading to an unexpected windfall (please don't sue me, Parker Brothers), we savor the wonder of the extra hour. I could go so far out on a limb as to say we should simply keep falling back once per year as a little reward for our year of toil. But, like all good things that leads to problems. The early to bed early to rise person within reminds me that we would all be up all night and sleeping all day. That's no good.

So, they give us this gift, but then in only 5 months they take it back! Why do they take it back? I realize we can't keep falling back, but springing forward is a bitch! And they can't agree on whether to take it back earlier or later in the Spring. The knock on effect of all this is that my fancy intelligent alarm clock, which is supposed to manage all this time stuff for me, doesn't know what to do and when! The government has literally intruded into my bedroom and plopped itself right atop my alarm clock which is right next to my head as I sleep. Creepy.

I don't want them to take it back. Leave it! Let me enjoy the afterglow of that one extra hour without the part where I have to pay it back. Falling back is like finding a $20.00 bill in the pocket of a winter jacket. It was lost and forgotten and is now found and loved. It would be wrong for your coat to come to you after winter and say, "Dude, where's my $20 bucks?"

What's the harm in leaving it? In the long days part of the year more people would be driving to and from work in sunshine leading to fewer accidents. We could turn on our lights later saving electricity and greenhouse emissions... are you listening Democrats? It won't cost a thing to implement and won't anger anyone worth paying attention to. Are you listening Republicans?

Furthermore, I could turn off the now worthless feature on my super smart alarm clock and just set the time and forever be done.

Fall Back Forever! Spring Forward Never! Occupy Big Ben! Say it with me now...

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