Thursday, April 19, 2012

Thursday Miscellany

Modest Relationship Advice to Women

In a conversation about successful marriage and monogomy, I had this to say: "Ladies, if you want your man to stand by your side and not stray, you need to do two things - give him some, and then give him something to do." The first part identifies the importance of a mutually fulfilling life of intimacy. The second, is pretty simple, too. A man can't have a 'secret other family' if he is so busy fixing things around the house, attending events with family and community, teaching junior to weld... whatever. The task itself isn't the key. The time it takes is.
A New Word for the New World

My friend, Greg, coined a new word. You know how I love new words. The word is "expectable". It is a confluence of Expected and Acceptable. It was coined while having a discussion about my blentry on the subject of fast food. Greg was indicating his agreement with my premise that while McDonald's is not to be regarded as the standard bearer of our collective gastronomy, it is certainly exactly what you expect it to be. Each time. Each location. It is, in fact, expectable in that it is acceptable simply because it is exactly what you expected it to be.

I am still trying to figure out whether the connotation of this word is generally positive, neutral, or damning in the faintness of its praise. I welcome feedback.
Stop Yelling at Me

I just heard a song from a group from Mongolia. I don't think Austin or Nashville have any need to worry about Mongolia establishing a preeminent music festival. And, I don't think I need to go to Mongolia. Their barbecue is not good enough to make up for their music. No wonder the Chinese built a wall.
A Handy Diagnosis

"You have carpal tunnel, I can tell you that." said the rehab doctor on Tuesday after repeatedly poking my arm and wrist with electrodes and needles.
"Actually, I could have told you that, and there wouldn't have been a co-pay," came my terse reply as I sat up, rubbing my arm.
"Let me finish," the doctor added, not liking being put into the position of defending his practice, "You have one of the worst cases I have ever seen."
"Well, that's better." I said.

I will go back to the surgeon week-after-next to discuss my fate, but it looks like I will be facing the knife at some point here in the future. That's okay. I can't imagine it being any worse than having 3 surgical and 1 medical wisdom tooth extractions in one day. I seem to recall bouncing back from that one pretty well.

In my mind, I think of the scene in Empire Strikes Back where Luke has a bionic wrist and hand installed in place of the one his daddy sliced off with a light sabre. sorry for the spoiler, but if you haven't seen it by now...

Anyhow, I doubt it will be that cool. At the end, I won't be bionic, just sore. A chiropractor friend of mine gave me some stretches and rubs to do to see if there was enough improvement to avoid the knife, so I am trying those to see if there is a marked improvement. It's been 3 years, though, so I am not holding out too much hope.

I also recall my wisdom teeth as the event that introduced me to Vicodin. Oh, what a sweet, toxic and unsustainable relationship we had. I had to leave her for my own good and I sure ain't going back, so I guess it will be Tylenol (that's Acetimoaniphone to you, Em) this time around.

1 comment:

  1. In my mind, Expectable is neutral. The noun to which Expectable is being applied supplies the judgement of positive or neagative."That Diner was expectable, they even had the right kind of cloe-slaw." or "I went to another Joey Carribian's, the waitstaff were rude and the food was expectable (I hate that place)."
