Wednesday, February 8, 2012

...For Us All to CAPTCHA

"Prove you're not a robot." Said Google to me while updating or signing up for something the other day. "Type the "word" in the field below." Well, Google... first, I don't like pith or ersatz wit coming from my computer, unless it is in the form of Siri getting snippy for asking her why the chicken crossed the road, and second... I don't have a second, I just really feel strongly about the first.

And so, I squint to see what the "word" is that is obfuscated by LSD trip induced font behind a field of different shades and textures and attempt to replicate it in the little box. All to prove to Google that I am not a robot.

"On April 19, 2001 at 8:11 pm, Skynet became self-aware..."

Three of you will find that funny, two more still will correct me for quoting it wrong and that leaves my mother, who has no idea what I am talking about.

Setting aside the fact that we have subrogated our natural intelligence to all things microchip, I find the words that aren't really words in those boxes to be filled with possibilities. Since I have nothing else about which to write and since I have the attention span of a sparrow on meth, here I shall take a few that I have chronicled and create for them, definitions.

Cralsist- (n) A mass formed in the buttocks region as a result of sitting for hours on the computer, perhaps cruising Craig's List

Dultne- (Pl. n) The formal term for candy factory workers; the plural of Dult

Flirc- (n) The tracks that are made in the median of divided roads or highways by cars who have slipped off the road

Glince- (n) The special effect used in many dental product commercials to accentuate the brilliance of teeth or smile.

Hoponihi- (n) The particular gate adopted by a Pacific Islander walking on still-hot lava.

Plicrom- (n) A word that is not well known outside of a specific region, but has at least one commonly understood application within its region of origin

Sonated- (Pt. v adj) To put a large group of people to sleep during a lecture or speech; Past-tense form of Sonate

Trapperb- Usually attributed to a woman in the act of catching a man in a lie regarding his whereabouts by singling out an incongruity in his excuse and repeating it three times in successively higher volume, (See also unnendou)

Unbachar- A member of an Anti-Baroque chamber music society which eschews lyrical elements commonly found in music, of the era, such as that by J.S. Bach

Vadite- A slang term given to managers who exercise power over their staff in a tyrannical way, like Darth Vader

Here is the fun part... I only made up one of those CAPTCHA codes (That's the what the actual codes are called). Care to guess which one? Also, the title of today's post follows a certain pattern. If you can tell me what the reference is, I'll give you a reward. Of my regular readers, I have only one in mind, (maybe two) who could possibly come up with the answer. If you have more fun CAPTCHA codes, send them to me and I will endeavor to come up with fun, or at least somewhat plausible definitions for them.

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